Crazy dog. Somehow she got the poof out of the bathtub and absolutely had a BLAST tearing it apart. Yes, it was naughty, and she normally gets scolded for such behavior....but for some reason this hit me as too cute and funny and I just grabbed the camera instead. Sometimes ya just gotta let them be kids I guess. I replaced the poof for a buck, the 5 month old Ally had fun with that one and all is well.
Nothing new around here really. Basketball has started up so I'm the mom-taxi lots and it's ok....mostly. She still has to take it slow until after xmas, but she's healing nicely and has a new titanium brace fitted specifically to her knee....she thinks it's cool....if it keeps that new ACL intact, I think it's cool too.
All 3 older kids got EXCELLENT progress reports. I was very happy. Crossing my fingers that report cards look as good. (please, please, please, please)
LittleE has started her first "bay-cation" as she calls it. Today was her last day of preschool until after Thanksgiving. She's been counting down the days, I'm not sure why. I'm not sure what exactly she thinks is going to happen, and when she realizes that it actually means that she can't go to school she's going to be pissed! Oy, what a kid.
Up to 6 hours of work, 5 days a week. After next week, I should be back to 8 hours. I'm ready, I'm PAST ready......grrrrrrrrrrrr
Jamie's work is going well too....I may actually have good news soon. I'm not going to jinx it and talk about it until it's 100% for really-reals!
Hey sista!!! It was nice talking to you even though it was only for a few minutes.
I think I would have been with you. That was a bad but cute moment.
That's VERY funny, I know a boy around here who would have done the same thing but he would have destroyed it in under 30 seconds...the pup has major chewing capabilities!
We got him a new "rope" at Petco yesterday and I paid $8.99 for the damn thing, it's destroyed already...the one I got from the dollar store lasted much longer. Grrrrr...
Hoping to hear some really good news soon.
I find all sorts of things shredded around here, but I still love my babies. ;)
Cute pic Buf!!
Now I'm curious, what's your news? You know that drives me crazy!!!
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