Friday, April 25, 2008

Dang, this hurts

I've got an ear infection. Ouchy! Now I know why my baby's were so fussy when they had one. I'm surprised they weren't worse! I've had a stuffy head for a couple weeks and have chalked it up to the time of year. The trees are budding and everything's trying to sprout and grow. LOVE it, but my head doesn't. The Dr thinks that's what caused the ear infection. Should feel better tomorrow after a couple more doses of drugs. Gotta love em!

Enough about me. The kids are doing great; they've been on vacation all week and boy is mama ready for them to go back to school! They've enjoyed staying up late and pretty much doing nothing; so it's all good.

Nothing exciting really.....but wanted you to know we're still around!

Oh, Grampy's taking YoungestA turkey hunting tomorrow. It's his first time hunting turkey; it's youth weekend and he is SO excited.....almost as much as Grampy! LOL Wish him luck, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

J~Mom said...

Oh no, sorry about your ear! I hope it is better today!