Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're home.....

.....and oh-so-sad. :(

As Erin's Dad said, you know it's been a good vacation when you're NOT ready to go home yet. LOL We definately weren't ready, and neither were K and LittleE. They had so much fun together and got along so well.

I got to see Erin, Erin's family (her mom and dad mean the world to me) and even meet some of Erin's friends!

Oh, and let's NOT forget the Yankee's game! WAAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOOO! Amazing. The ferry-ride seeing the city of New York was so neat. I (yes ME) saw the Statue of Liberty....something I've always dreamed of seeing. Oldest A teared up once we got to our seats; she was so overwhelmed. Our seats were OH-MY-GAWD!!!! You wouldn't believe it unless you were there. We were RIGHT THERE!

Have SO much to tell you and SO many pictures....but we just got home (10:30pm) after being in the car since 12:30pm (LittleE needed MANY more stops this time) and I have to work tomorrow. Hopefully will get time later tomorrow to start posting!

Thank you Erin, Love you!!


Erin Leigh said...

It is so true. We weren't ready for you to leave. Ian saw E's picture on the computer this morning and said "Awwww."

I am so glad you came and can't wait to see you guys again...

J~Mom said...

Can't wait to hear more about it and see some pictures!! Sounds like a wonderful time!