Sunday, May 4, 2008

crash and burn

basketball is over for this year, prematurely. Dammit. Poor OldestA did some serious damage to her knee yesterday. It was the 2nd game of the day, and LittleE and YoungestA were making me absolutely bonkers. I left before the 2nd game started.

While at home I received a call from a woman stating she was an athletic trainer and had A who was down with an injured knee. She said that she twisted it and after she examined it, she really thinks she damaged her ACL at least. She also stated that A was rating her pain level a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Anyone who KNOWS her KNOWS that is not normal for her. Even with a broken bone, she's NEVER rated her pain higher than a 7. So I KNEW it was bad.

We went to the ER last night and got a complete QUACK nurse practitioner. He was unable to do a proper exam of the tendons because A couldn't "relax" enough. Whatever, I'm taking her to an orthopedic dr. tomorrow. She's still in a TON of pain. Getting up the stairs to the shower this morning had her in a cold sweat and very queasy from the pain.

She insisted on going, crutches and all, to be with her team today. As much as the 'mom' in me wanted to keep her home and baby her today, the old athlete in me understood her wanting to be with her team....I would have done the same. So I dropped her off to the Coach (who I have complete trust in; he'll baby her like crazy LOL) w/ lots more Ibuprophen.

That's about it for now. Going to do some cleaning and later today will go to MiddleA's first piano recital! I'm so excited and nervous for her. I KNOW she'll do great and I'll try to get some good pictures for you all.

Peace out, be back later!

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